Who is this class for?

This Complete Research Writing Guide will teach you how to write a research-based report, resulting in a thesis that is academic and concise. This course will work well for undergraduate students or Master’s students that are working on a short research project and most certainly for PhD students from all disciplines. The structure described here is transferrable to research writing from a range of fields including law, business, biosciences and midwifery.

How is this class unique?

In this class, I will uniquely provide the sentence and paragraph breakdown for every chapter of your report. I also include sentence starters, in the form of academic words and phrases, to give you that kick start and to direct your thoughts. This may sound too simple, but it really is. There is no secret formula for how to write a strong thesis. Normally, the skill is acquired over time and with plenty of challenges along the way. This guide will be providing you with that short-cut, all in one place, to be able to write like an academic.

What will I learn on
this class?

The chapters included in this class break down into
the following topics:

  • Thesis Template (MS Word)
  • The Best Referencing Manager
  • Writing a Strong Abstract
  • Literature Review
  • The Methodology
  • The Results
  • Discussion & Conclusion
  • Creating a Title

How do we know
this method works?

I am an alumni of King’s College, Imperial College and University College London where I completed my BSc in Biochemistry, MRes in Biomedical Research and PhD in Cell and Developmental Biology, respectively. Studying at such prestigious universities and carrying out research in high-ranking laboratories led me to rapidly pick up skills from professors and post-docs who have won millions in research grants. I learnt how to discuss my research academically and how to communicate my results (even if things did not always go to plan).

I applied this to my PhD thesis and, to my surprise, my examiners requested extremely minor edits. One examiner asked for a spelling correction, whilst the other asked to expand a paragraph. I know this structure works. It ensures that you are communicating academically, regardless of the specific results themselves. I have since advised and mentored hundreds of students, all of whom have successfully defended their PhD thesis or passed their dissertations with flying colours.


Final words.

I hope this course provides you with the confidence to write a strong academic piece of work.

This course will equip you with a life-long skill that you will take with you through your education and even through your
career in academia for years to come.


Happy Thesis Writing

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